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A Docusaurus boilerplate featuring Tailwind CSS, support for math/equations with KaTeX and more...

Easy to Use

Docusaurus was designed to be easily installed and used to get your website up and running quickly. This is a boilerplate with common plugins to save time.

Focus on your Docs

Docusaurus lets you focus on your docs, and we'll do the chores. Go ahead and move your docs into the docs directory.

Powered by React

Extend or customize your website layout by reusing React. Docusaurus can be extended while reusing the same header and footer.

Tailwind for CSS

ChitChat Logo
Utility-first CSS

Use Tailwind CSS classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup!

KaTeX for Math

Mathematical equations can be rendered using KaTeX. KaTeX is a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web.

Mermaid for diagrams

Use Mermaid in .md, .mdx, .jsx and .tsx files with ease. Mermaid lets you create diagrams and visualizations using text and code. See a flowchart example:

Codeblocks for code

Code blocks within documentation are super-powered 💪. Code blocks can have titles and syntax highlighting for a subset of commonly used languages. Example:

function HelloCodeTitle(props) {
return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;


Animation on Scroll

Animations can be rendered using AOS. AOS is a small CSS3 driven scroll animation library to animate elements on your page as you scroll.